
Welcome to the new Cornell Engineers! I’m so excited for you all to be part of this amazing community that has provided me with so many amazing opportunities I’ve only just started to explore. While I’m sure you’re excited about meeting new people and exploring everything engineering (or at least somewhat), you’re probably nervous too. There’s a lot of change happening, but it will all be okay! 

One thing that really helped me adjust at first was spending time outside with my new friends. Especially on the slope or walking around Beebe Lake. I would without a doubt say these are my favorite spots on campus, even now when the weather is colder. I fondly remember taking afternoon walks around Beebe with my roommate and a way for us to clear our heads after a day of classes and homework. We always put our headphones on and zone out, which is the most peaceful thing ever. Perhaps my favorite part of Cornell, albeit cliche, is a slope sunset. Whether it is a picnic with Collegetown Bagels or simply sitting down on the way back from the library to enjoy the sunset, it is the most beautiful thing. I’m from Florida, so mountains are still a sight for me; so, every time I sit on the slope, even now, my breath is taken away. Even last night, the sunset was a unique shade of bright pink, and I still stopped to take pictures.

Appreciating the outdoors, for me, is a great way to clear my head after a day of strenuous classes and studying. However, it is also a way that I bonded with so many girls that I now consider my best friends. The first couple weeks of school we would walk to the sunset at least 4 times a week. On these walks we would talk about our days and share our plans for the next. Although these seemed mundane, the strolls to the slope turned into the highlight of my days and are something I am excited to start again now that the weather is thawing (slightly). I hope you learn to enjoy the beautiful nature of Cornell’s campus during your time here!

-Kate Sevigny, Civil Engineering