Life on the Hill: Student Blog

My Transformative Journey At Cornell

As an International Master of Engineering student with a major in Engineering Management at Cornell University, my journey here has been nothing short of transformative. From the vibrant academic environment to the rich social experiences, Cornell offers a holistic...

My Study Abroad Experience in Singapore!

If there is one thing I would recommend to all Cornell engineers, it would be to study abroad. Spending a semester in a completely foreign environment is daunting, no matter how adventurous you are. But even for those of us who prefer to stay in the comfort of a place...

My Project Team Experience

Nexus is a unique project team, tackling one of the most pressing challenges in sustainability, microplastics. Specifically, we are working on developing a robot that can clean beaches autonomously, preventing waste from getting into the ocean.  The 4 subteams,...

Project Teams

Ready to get your hands dirty and make some cool stuff happen? At Cornell Engineering, you’ll have abundant opportunity to roll up your sleeves and jump into engineering. Our program stands out by offering our students a wide variety of hands-on opportunities that...

My Favorite Spot On Campus

Civil Welcome to the new Cornell Engineers! I’m so excited for you all to be part of this amazing community that has provided me with so many amazing opportunities I’ve only just started to explore. While I’m sure you’re excited about meeting new people and exploring...