Michael Clarkson

Steven H. Weiss Provost’s Teaching Fellow and Senior Lecturer
Computer Science

Associate Director
McCormick Family Teaching Excellence Institute (MTEI)


Michael Clarkson is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY. He received a PhD in Computer Science from Cornell University in 2010, advised by Andrew Myers and Fred B. Schneider. He teaches functional programming, object-oriented programming, and formal verification. He has also taught courses on computer security and data science. He received the Cornell Tau Beta Pi Professor of the Year Award in 2021, and the Cornell Engineering College Excellence in Teaching Award in 2020 and 2015. He is the lead author of OCaml Programming, an online textbook, and a contributing author to Software Foundations, an online textbook series. His YouTube channel on OCaml programming has over 200,000 views coming from every continent except Antarctica. Before pursuing a teaching-track career, Dr. Clarkson’s research interests focused on the science of security and electronic voting. He was the recipient of an Air Force Young Investigators Award (YIP). He was the lead creator of the Civitas voting system. He served as a member of a security review team commissioned by the Florida Division of Elections for an Internet voting pilot project.



  • M.S. (Computer Science), Cornell University, 2004
  • Ph.D. (Computer Science), Cornell University, 2010
